
Here we go again

So Brandon is gone again. We have two babies this time, so I get asked a lot if it's harder, or if I'm scared, etc. Frankly, it's not much harder this time than the last time. Max is better behaved and Liam is a perfect baby and (at the moment) not mobile, so we're making it. It's still just as lonely and I'm still sleep deprived (maybe more so this time, what with an infant and all), but we're making it.
I'm also not very scared. Of course I worry about the what if, but bad things could happen at any time to any of the people I love. Being scared all the time of something that most likely won't happen isn't fair to Brandon or our boys. My Sunday School teacher a few months ago was relating a conversation he had with someone about our relationship with Christ and how it needs to be the most important relationship in our lives, even more important with the relationship we have with our spouse. He said that at first he scoffed at that, but then his wife got sick and wasn't herself anymore. Our spouses won't always be around, but Christ will. I can't talk to Brandon whenever I want...I can email him and wait for phone calls, but that's it. I can, however, always pray and read my scriptures. I'm not afraid of anything happening, because if it does I know we will be okay. It will be hard and sad, but we'll be okay. This is our fourth deployment, and we've always been okay.

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